Matthew Cain

Personal blog. Day job: Technology at the Crown Prosecution Service

In defence of OKRs

There’s another round of backlash against the ‘Objective Key Results (OKR)’ framework, including from people I admire. I’ve been working with OKRs over the last five years with a degree of success, so wanted to share what I’ve learnt.

I introduced OKRs to Hackney Council in 2019 (or thereabouts). I read most of Andy Grove’s High Output Management beforehand to check it was the right thing to do. But having previously written about the importance of clearly defining ‘now’ and ‘future’ but being relaxed about the bridge between those two moments, I already had a bias towards the concept.

We tried OKRs in Hackney for two reasons: I wanted to create some shared goals that  brought together different teams across IT. I thought that OKRs could encourage cross-team working by showing both run-time and project teams what mattered. Secondly, I wanted to give our teams a clearer idea of why things mattered, supporting a language of outcomes for our users.

We didn’t get this all right. We tried to align the objectives to our missions. But they weren’t mutually exclusive so it became a complex mapping progress.

We set objectives at departmental level. But these didn’t easily translate to the work that people did in teams. So teams started doing their own. And some teams were better at it than others. The initiative failed to achieve its purpose in full. It faded out some time after the cyberattack and I suspect left completely when I did.

But that didn’t make it a failure. Teams spent some time each quarter planning. And could reflect on whether they had achieved their goals each quarter. This isn’t ‘A Bad Thing’.

Within days of arriving at the CPS it was apparent we needed something similar. Initially it was even more counter-culture. So we started doing it at a departmental level. Each department had too many, and they lacked an over-arching framework. But we kept iterating. And unlike Hackney, we have an effective meeting of department heads to agree the OKRs across the directorate.

We have avoided nesting OKRs more deeply (eg into personal goals). But we have developed a model for each OKR to be sponsored so that it has leadership.

There was briefly concern that OKR development could ‘turn into an industry’. It’s currently half a day a quarter to plan the goals and then an email exchange a month to provide a RAG update (which we communicate more widely in our monthly Strategy All-Hands). I’d argue that 4 hours a quarter for planning the work of 280 people is as ‘minimum viable’ as it gets.

Inspired by a tip from a Harvard Business School class, I’ve now taken to using our quarterly OKRs as my background on Teams meetings. I don’t know whether it helps remind my team what’s important. But it has stimulated helpful conversations with colleagues across the organisation and with partners across the criminal justice system.

We haven’t ‘got there’ in terms of expressing the business outcomes. So we’re iterating the approach further. We’ve now asked ‘how might we’ questions and the quarterly planning meeting frames the OKRs as answers to the questions so that we spend the time on the ‘why’ and ‘how’ rather than the ‘what’.

None of this makes OKRs management magic. OKRs don’t make you Agile. Setting good goals isn’t easy. Getting the right mix of planning, validating and doing requires judgement, the right context and culture as well as process.

But OKRs done well can support working back from business outcomes, business agility and cross-functional collaboration.

Dependencies: the toxic Agile anti-pattern

My colleague Ant Hull and I are writing this blogpost because we’ve experienced a repeating pattern and are asking you to help develop our knowledge of how to tackle it.

Dependencies between teams are one of the most toxic anti-patterns that exist in Agile. Here’s the story: Team A reaches the end of a sprint and wants to deliver value to users. But they can’t because they’re waiting for a component, a feature, or a service from Team B. In a healthy culture Team A works patiently around the obstacle, Team B delivers shortly thereafter and life carries on. In an unhealthy culture  – which thankfully hasn’t happened to us – Team A turns up to the show & tell and informs stakeholders that their high-performing team has been blocked by the intransigence / incompetence of Team B.

The apparently simple solution is that Team A asks Team B to get better at estimation. Maybe they try to help. A scrum of scrums enables better coordination. They agree a standard way of estimation. Better planning is intended to produce better coordination. So, what’s the problem (other than that it rarely works)? We no longer value individuals and interactions over processes and tools, and we’ve stopped responding to change so we can follow a plan.

There are three common solutions to this problem.

  1. The ‘PMO solution’ might be to grow the team. If we only had more people we’d have fewer dependencies. But that hides the problem. Within a delivery team who hasn’t seen the design get ahead of the development, get ahead of the infrastructure build?

2. The ‘Prince 2 solution’ might be to map the dependencies and manage them at an abstract board level. That provides senior solace on the Gannt chart and incentivises teams to report that all is Amber.

The ‘Bezos solution‘ means teams don’t need other teams. They have all the tools at their disposal to deliver. But that doesn’t apply in the messy world of legacy software and jars with the cultural norms of working in public service.

But it’s inherent in any team that they have a boundary (after all, it’s part of being a team is who isn’t in it). Therefore, a solution which doesn’t have a leadership or cultural component will always have a floor. So what’s a better approach? Here’s our emerging theory:

Clear leadership sets priorities for all teams. That doesn’t necessarily mean that dependencies vanish but that a choice can be made about whether delivering Team A’s feature or it incorporating Team B’s feature is more important. We support product owners to continuous check the team’s understanding of scope and priorities to stop dependencies creeping in. And if influences out of our control bring unagile milestones into delivery, we’re transparent about it and teams own them as deliverables, not dependencies.

A stronger mindset around minimum viable release can also reduce dependencies. Without the confidence or psychological safety of knowing who is taking a risk (or the consequences being articulated clearly) teams will often set a higher bar for success. A clear understanding of when a minimum viable release is acceptable and ownership of that risk reduces dependencies.

Thirdly, that working software is the trump card. Every hour a software developer spends in honing an estimation is time spent not building working software. Dependencies created for architectural consistency or for stakeholder approval are all easier to resolve in the glow of working software. We’ll build out team release plans based on delivery working software in every iteration.

And with those principles in place, a culture that prizes sustainability – of teams, their welfare, working patterns and relationship – goes an awful long way.

Powering through

Week 35: 15-19 May

I needed a productive week, and I got one. It was entirely my preference that I worked for a decent proportion of the bank holiday weekend. I’d identified 18 things that I wanted to get done and completed the 15 most important. We had an all day workshop with Microsoft on Tuesday so I had feared the consequences for my inbox by Wednesday morning but I started the week in a good position and it was enough to be in control throughout the following week. Spare a thought, though, for all the teams that were on the receiving end of my flurry of weekend productivity. Delaying sending emails until the working week didn’t stop them needing to be read!

Our day at Microsoft had a strong focus on productivity and the potential posed by the application of Large Language Models. There is huge potential to transform many of the drudge tasks that so many of us have to do on a daily basis – whether that’s summarising documents, identifying actions during meetings or writing standard replies to emails. But we’ll need to think really carefully about people’s first experience of using these tools. Knowing when and how to use them will be critical for building our users’ confidence and overcoming cynicism that it’s a new generation of Mr Clippy ‘assistance’.

On Wednesday morning we had our Strategic Leadership Team meeting. Almost regardless of the agenda I look forward to the group coming together and exploring key topics about how we work. We had a really good discussion to review the key results for the quarter across our respective teams and then about the three strands of work that are starting to experiment with different ways of working. I’ll be leading one of the strands which will experiment with product ownership for our mission critical system, a multidisciplinary DevOps team for a product and a Community of Practice.

The TDA had an important discussion this week about a technical decision associated with one of our priority projects. Whilst we identified a clear way forward I suspect that the conversation re-created some fault-lines that we’ve been working hard to reduce. I can see the problem that we need to solve and I can see the end-state we need to reach. I don’t have a clear enough picture of the route we take to get there.

The other feature of my week was about the good and the bad of early conversations with prospective suppliers. I’ve made a habit of refusing to engage with generic sales pitches that come into my inbox. I could spend a decent proportion of my week spending time explaining information that sales people could have found out themselves with a tiny bit of investment; that’s not good value for the public. But I had two unsolicited contacts that put me in a particularly bad mood. I still remember how hard it is to build a sales network and you need a level of brazenness that I didn’t find easy. But you also need judgement to understand when no means no, and unsolicited calls to my personal will always land badly.

But I was also fortunate enough to have some conversations this week which were very worthwhile in helping understand how we can be a ‘better buyer’ with people who had evidently worked hard to prepare a good conversation. One of the reasons I’m so looking forward to publishing our technology strategy is that it gives us the opportunity to have good conversations with prospective suppliers that have done their homework.

I set three modest goals for the week and largely met them: establishing my personal objectives, which are now linked to the technology strategy and the OKR framework that we’re using across the Directorate. I supported the Polaris team in de-risking the product delivery which is expected in the next few weeks. The strategy tracker dashboard isn’t quite completed but the data we’ve now got is really useful and the things that are left are relatively straightforward to bring together.

There are two key features of next week: a visit to meet colleagues in Mersey-Cheshire and our first Service Standard assessment. In different ways they’re both really great learning opportunities. Alongside that, I’m also hoping to complete a business case for the Future Casework Tools cloud strategy and finalise a technical paper on how we manage devices.

Time to get going

Week 34: 2-5 May

I had a proper bank holiday weekend which involved a Haven Holiday park, lots of beach games and too many late nights. I didn’t even get round to writing my weeknote which is a rarity.

So by Tuesday morning I wasn’t quite ready for work. It felt like one of those weeks when you’re losing one nil from the first minute and don’t really threaten the opposition goal at all in the first half. My first meeting was at 9am on Tuesday during which my internet connection kept cutting out and I didn’t regain control of my inbox, my preparation before meetings or a sense of control in my week until Thursday.

The upside, as far as it goes, was that I’d set three fairly modest goals: to communicate our link sharing capabilities to a couple of key groups, to agree the scope of the options analysis for our Wifi business case and agree the user survey and the process for getting it live. I met all three – even if largely they were met on my behalf.

We’re currently developing a repository to support teams designing, building, releasing and improving digital products. It’s one of those tasks which is never ‘done’ and some of what we’ll publish to begin with will only serve to acknowledge the things we haven’t learnt or standardised yet. But it’s an important step towards our strategic objective of being able to make small changes constantly and learn whether they’re improving outcomes.

This month’s strategy all-hands was on Thursday and I’d been a bit more thoughtful about the design of the session after the valuable feedback I got last time around. At the end of the session attendees gave 3.9/5 for ‘increasing my understanding of how my work contributes to our objectives’, which was 10% higher than the previous session. I was particularly grateful for the work Debbie and Russell had done to unpack our key results and explain the role of each team in achieving them.

Next week, we’re spending all of Tuesday with Microsoft and have two workshops dominating Wednesday. Luckily I’ve got a fair bit of spare time on my own this weekend so I’m looking forward to getting some admin out of the way so that I can start next week better. But I’ve set similarly modest goals for the four days:

  1. To complete the strategy tracker dashboard
  2. To support the Polaris team ahead of the first release to users of the document redaction tool
  3. To agree my personal objectives for the next year

Unexpectedly tired

Week 32: 17-21 April

A young cricketer scored a century and took a hattrick for Gloucestershire in the County Championship this week. Given neither of my readers are County Cricket fans it’d worth emphasising that this is an historically rare achievement. And it couldn’t have been more different to the week I had!

I was in the office Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and spent Tuesday at an all-day event. And that’s what I’m attributing to the fact that I was just knackered by Thursday evening. The sort of tired where I knew there were so many things I could do and some which I even needed to do. But just couldn’t focus on anything long enough. I kept telling myself that I’d go for a run but I couldn’t even organise myself to do that. So I gave up and watched Manchester United fall apart against Sevilla. As a child of the 1990s United being awful isn’t getting any less amusing.

Despite that I did actually manage to achieve two of my goals for the week. I’ve drafted a ‘go live checklist’ so that we’ve got clear criteria that product teams need to meet; and we’ll use that for the email automation solution (which really needs a name). Coincidentally, I ended up having a number of unplanned conversations about the onboarding of the new call handling system for CPS Direct and from that emerged a clear set of objectives for the project (albeit not actually the clear plan that I was aiming for). I didn’t do enough to set a baseline for our strategy metrics but we have made progress (ie – I asked someone else to).

I’ve also been working with my leadership to think about how we demonstrate how each of our teams contributes to each of our Key Results. It’s a potential way to respond effectively to the feedback from our last monthly strategy call.

On top of that, I actually delivered something. The Technical Design Authority agreed to allow links to be shared with people outside CPS. It’s a small way that we’ll make things safer (it means we control the document as opposed to attaching it to an email and effectively losing control over it) as well as to enhance collaboration. We’ll introduce it slowly and need to support colleagues in how to use the settings well. But I always take pleasure at having a things to point at.

We also had a good event on Tuesday with Vodafone, one of our key suppliers. We focused on the ‘how’ of innovation with a particular focus on the experience for victims and witnesses. There were lots of thought-provoking ideas and some really smart people we learnt from. The thing that particularly resonated with me was that the essence of the government’s Service Manual reflects how most successful organisations approach innovation. And how infrequently we get to focus on the culture and behaviours that enable innovation given the dominant (and completely reasonable) pressure to achieve results.

I’m trying really hard at the moment to focus on small, achievable interventions that can deliver an outsized impact (maximising a ‘return on management’ if you will). My sense of the calendar is that the combination of bank holidays and school breaks means it’s going to be really tough to build momentum so a flurry of stand-alone initiatives is the better way to make sure the time is used well.

So over the next week I’m hoping to:

  1. Agree the scope of our engineering plan as part of my goal to make CPS the best place in the sector to develop software that matters to users
  2. Get actionable feedback from our pre market engagement event on WiFi connectivity
  3. Deliver the first version of our strategy tracker dashboard

Fresh start

Week 31: 11-14 April

Funny what a break can do. I hadn’t felt particularly tired. This week I’ve woken up before my alarm has gone off each day. And I completed my five goals for the week.

I had some spare time in my diary this week and a little list of things that I’d wanted to move forward but weren’t sufficiently urgent. With any luck the TDA will be discussing them in the next week or so and they will be small but significant things which unblock our ability to deliver our strategy. I also needed to tidy up the ‘capstone’ from the end of my course – a short essay applying what I’d learnt to our context. I’d already submitted it but wasn’t particularly happy with the drafting; but it was starting to drag.

In a similar vein, the technology strategy is now basically finished but also needed a copy-edit to make it a bit sharper and simpler. A bit of extra context would also help us respond to a recent audit on our approach to supplier disaggregation – and I was able to find some time on Friday evening to commit to that.

The goal I was most excited about, however, was to deliver an effective monthly strategy call with improved ratings from last month. It was important because the second album is always difficult. But also because it was the end of the first quarter and just six weeks since we introduced OKRs to the whole directorate so it was a moment to celebrate the key results that we’ve achieved and set the tone for how we’re going to do this.

I certainly invested enough in the presentation but at some point during delivery I realised that it didn’t have quite the same energy and engagement as last month. I thought I had a lot, possibly too much content so I rattled through it and finished too soon. I had kept to the format that I adopted for the first one but I fear that also made it feel a bit rehearsed. And at the end of the meeting, I asked people the extent to which it had increased their understanding of how their work contributed to our strategy. I got an average of 3.7/5. Now, a 74% satisfaction rate isn’t bad for a meeting. But I was aiming for higher, and last month it was 82% (and, I think, a larger attendance).

On the upside, I asked attendees for feedback and it must have been apparent that I really wanted it. Because five people got in touch with me afterwards – which is the most ever – to share their thoughts. I was really touched and it helped change Thursday evening from being one of self-flagellation to just mild disappointment. The feedback was also helpful and gave me some clear ideas for how to improve next month’s.

I’ve set three goals for next week:

  1. To set the baseline for at least two of the key metrics we’re using to track progress of our strategy
  2. To identify the path to live for our email automation tool in a way that’s replicable for future products
  3. To ensure we have a clear plan for the onboarding of the new phone system we’re using for our CPS Direct service

Last one before a break

Week 30: 27-31 March

I met two of my three goals this week. We had a useful discussion at the TDA about the outcomes our document redaction project needs to achieve in order to move into production. We were trying a sort of ‘pre-emptive governance’ to make it easier for the team to understand what’s needed from their work over the next few weeks. CPS hasn’t been responsible for building many apps before so we’re breaking new ground. It’s probably often painful for the team but if we do it well, we’ll make it easier for the people that come next.

We’ve also made important progress with the WiFi business case. We’ve got a clear understanding of the costs of the approach and designed a consultation exercise with prospective suppliers to test our potential model. However, we didn’t get to the point where there’s a finalised business case – so I’m not sure I can chalk it up as a win.

We presented the digital casework programme to the Senior Leaders Conference in Bristol mid-week. I didn’t actually give a particularly good presentation, but the power of the example was enough to carry it. It was a powerful juxtaposition to make people sit through the tedious process ‘as is’ and showing the benefits of the automation at scale. And I think it stuck with the audience the extent to which this was a cross-team effort.

I’ve taken copious notes from the SLC. I’ve had feedback that I don’t give enough visibility to my team of the conversations that I’m in and their not – and they are completely right. I’ve also worked for people who do this incredibly well and want to get better. But with a rich, two-day session the thought of writing these up is pretty intimidating.

We’ve also reached the end of our first quarter of using OKRs. By my reckoning we’ve achieved nine, four remain in progress and we’ve made no material progress on the 14th. I’d have settled for that in January – particularly given the ones that we’ve achieved are the most important.

I’ve also been giving a lot of thought to how to apply what I’m learning from the Harvard online course I’m doing about strategy execution, We’ve now identified some key goals that we’re going to use to measure progress against our strategy (part of a ‘diagnostic control system’ according to Professor Simon). I want to turn to our ‘belief systems’- why we work in the way that we do. The more I look the more I see lots of patterns that we want to accentuate but also teams struggling when they try to work together as we haven’t established a norm.

Next week I’m on holiday, so I didn’t set any goals. I’ve got to complete my ‘capstone challenge’ for my course; explaining the biggest strategy execution challenge we’re facing. Shortly after I get back we’ll do the second of our ‘strategy all-hands’ and give our first award to the person or team who have contributed the most to moving forward our strategy (part of our ‘boundary systems’). So plenty to think about, which is for the best. There are enough bank holidays coming up that we’ll have to really focus if we’re to develop enough momentum to take us into the summer.  

Actually, I forgot: there was a lovely end to the week. The team that had come together over a weekend (and beyond) to support CPS through our connectivity outage received a ‘Director’s commendation’. Having time to reflect on it, it’s really nice to know that we were recognised despite the fact that we were helping to fix something that should ‘just’ work and that we work for an organisation that has this culture.

Falling short

Week 29: 20-24 March 2023

It’s one of those weeks where I’ve hit Saturday and I just don’t have the energy to write a readable weeknote. I persist because of a sense that if I fall off the wagon, I won’t get back on. And one week, when I have something to say, it’ll be too significant to try and just restart the habit.

I hit only one of my three goals this week and it was the easiest to achieve. We had a really good staff conference in Liverpool, and I made a real commitment to spend time with people I knew least well.  I’ve noticed that some of my show & tell style events have been better attended in the last few weeks and this week I noticed some of the people join that I’d spent time with in Liverpool. Of course it might just be that I recognise them a bit better!

Liverpool was particularly helpful for the feedback we got to the introduction of OKRs. In a couple of areas teams said something to the effect of ‘we do important work and there isn’t a key result for us in the next quarter’ and there were some astute observations about things that were missing from the ‘effective and healthy teams and people’ objective. We’re still very much experimenting with the framework and with the opportunity to refresh each quarter, we’ve got the opportunity to incorporate these thoughts.

We didn’t close off the Wifi business case as I’d been hoping, and made even less progress with the cloud business case. The former suffered, completely reasonable, because of the amount of time that went in to the staff conference. The latter struggled because our commercial team’s operating above capacity right now and we’ve got things with more pressing deadlines at play.

Whilst I hadn’t set it as a priority, we did agree the measures we’re going to use to track delivery of the strategy; three for each of the objectives. Some of them are used more widely (we’ve adopted a version of the DORA metrics, for example). Now we need to do the hard work of creating a reporting framework and then get into the discipline of tracking the stats. I’ve been thinking about how we can introduce more of a rhythm to our leadership group meeting so that we develop good habits.

Next week is our senior leaders conference. I’m really excited (and slightly nervous) to see how our digital casework presentation lands and hoping we communicate the clear balance between ‘jam tomorrow’ and benefits today. One of my other priorities is to support the delivering of our casework search and redaction tool and, in so doing, learn about the effectiveness of our governance and what we need to evolve about how the TDA works in practice.

I’m also coming to the end of the Harvard Business School course I’ve been doing on Strategy Execution. We’ve got an essay to write at the end of the course, exploring which element of executing strategy we expect to find most challenging.

So my priorities for next week are to:

  • Agree the WiFi business case (pending feedback from an early market engagement event we’re planning)
  • Ensure we’ve identified the outcomes we need to achieve to take our redaction tool live
  • Listen and learn at the Senior Leaders Conference about what we need to do to meet and raise expectations for our digital casework programme

The ups and downs

Week 28: 12-17 March

There were three highlight this week. I led a session at our SLT to showcase different techniques for problem-solving: Crazy 8s, starting with the press release and pre-mortems. The exercise produced some thoughtful responses but we had consistently good engagement and receptiveness to trying different approaches. The even bigger highlight was a user-focused show & tell for our proof of concept around email automation. The preparation time had been effective and we landed it in exactly the way I hoped. The product is now generating interest from other teams and I can’t wait to show it off to some of my key stakeholders. Thirdly, and unexpectedly, I heard a couple of stories about how the team had been working together to support users: one around our approach to receiving data from the Police and another about a patch of a vulnerability.

I also met two of my three goals for the week. We submitted the business case for our Ensuring Service Continuity programme and we’re within sight of completing our business case for ubiquitous Gov.Wifi. Next week we’re looking to do an event for prospective suppliers to learn about our proposed design and ensure that we design a procurement which delivers what we think we need. Neither felt quite so energising but both are important.

My third goal was to develop a draft of the performance management framework for our strategy. I can almost feel myself procrastinating. I made a start, but really want it to be good and feel as though I’m still some-way short of having the right answers. I’ve probably reached the tipping point where I need to commit something to paper to give others a chance to make it better.

I had some fantastic examples this week of effective Return on Management, even if that does sound a bit self-congratulatory. I had an opportunity to get a bit more involved in the work of one of our teams. It ended-up being a bit uneven but a relatively small investment of time and effort gave me insights into tasks, issues and challenges that would otherwise have remained invisible or at least taken months before I’d have found out. I was pleased because I’ve had a nagging doubt for a little while that I’ve not been active enough in developing relationships with people who report to people who report to me.

There are also a couple of non-strategic issues where I’ve intentionally invested a bit of effort in trying to support people resolve things that were taking them disproportionate time for diminishing returns. I’ve got an approach which I’ve learnt (and probably co-opted badly) from Rob Miller but I don’t yet have his persistence for following things through. Protecting time in my diary has been particularly challenging with a 2-day conference next, and then the following week, meaning meetings are getting increasingly squeezed into the remaining space. In the last four days of this week I had 28 hours of meetings.

I’ve been more focused in my goals next week:

  1. To have an agreed business case for Gov.Wifi
  2. To have a draft public cloud business case ready for consideration by our commercial team
  3. To develop deeper relationships with team members during our staff conference

Maximising return on management

Week 27: 6-10 March

I’m doing a course at Harvard Business School online which has introduced me to a catchy phrase: return on management. It’s not much more complex than it sounds: ensuring that you focus on the things that matter. I’ve been grappling with this for a few years but armed with my colour-coded diary and a small piece of work to put in place a set of measures to help understand our performance against the strategy, I’ve never been clearer on whether or not I’m maximising my return on management.

This week I spent about 20 hours on things that were strategic, important or both. That’s an improvement on last week (I’ve not classified the work out of hours in either week). For now, I’m managing really carefully how many things I’m classifying as important or strategic to avoid gaming my own stats. But it also feels about right: a week in which I was often productive but fell a bit short of knowing that I’d been massively effective. In similar fashion I achieved two of my four goals and moved forward with the other two, but fell short of completion.

There were a couple of things this week where I know I’m struggling. In both cases there are enough elements that are familiar to make me feel as though I know what it should look like and that it doesn’t. But equally there are enough bits that are slightly different that I’m not absolutely confident I don’t just need to work within those differences and realign my expectations. The one that’s easier to write about is a programme that I’m running. We spent a bit of time in previous months trying to set the board up to make sure that we had a common purpose and we knew how we wanted to work together. I felt that board meeting this week fell significantly short of that. The fault is mine alone; I’m the person responsible for the programme and chaired the meeting. But I also haven’t yet worked out what to change or how to make it more effective. There’s three weeks until the next one for me to figure that out.

We’ve also had a collision of a few different procurements all requiring attention this week. We knew in November that it was a possibility and thought we’d worked hard to avoid it but for a bunch of different reasons, we fell into the trap. On the upside, the team worked really effectively to swarm around the challenge in order to meet key deadlines. Looking at the pipeline for the remainder of the year, being good at that is going to get more important.

There’s a busy end to this month with conferences in Liverpool and Bristol. So the next week or so needs to have a strong focus on keeping things going. I’m spending some time over the weekend on a couple of business cases that need to be pushed through the sausage factory and am hoping that next week I can find some quality time to pull together the dashboards necessary to track our strategy development. But I’m particularly looking forward to a session I’m running with our SLT to introduce tools to help our collaboration.

So my goals for next week are to:

  1. Agree the outline case for the Ensuring Service Continuity programme
  2. Ensure we have a clear plan for our WiFi programme
  3. Develop a draft of our performance measurement plan for feedback
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